About the Single Data Return
About the Single Data Return
This page explains what the Single Data Return (SDR) is, what the data is used for, who needs to complete an SDR, how to access your SDR and other important information.
This page explains what the Single Data Return (SDR) is, what the data is used for, who needs to complete an SDR, how to access your SDR and other important information.
Resources for completing your SDR and Indicative Enrolment Collection (IND), including the data specifications, are available from Single Data Return.
What is the Single Data Return?
The Single Data Return (SDR) is a set of provider-based delivery data the TEC and the Ministry of Education (MoE) require tertiary education organisations (TEOs) to submit three times a year for the purposes of:
- funding
- monitoring performance
- publishing performance information
- statistical reporting, and
- policy formation.
The IND is a subset of SDR data you submit annually in March.
Who needs to complete an SDR and IND?
All TEOs must complete SDRs and INDs if they:
- receive funding for Delivery at Levels 1–10 on the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework, unless the delivery is work-based only
- receive funding for Youth Guarantee (YG); and/or
- have learners accessing student loans or allowances from StudyLink.
What information do I need to report?
You must report all learners with confirmed enrolments, including non-funded learners – except for learners completing off-job training as part of an otherwise work-based programme of study. Report these learners through Work-based data submissions.
You need to include information on:
- learner characteristics
- course enrolment details and course details
- course and qualification completions, and
- actual and forecast equivalent full-time students (EFTS).
Frequency and due dates are available from SDR submission dates.
What is the Workforce Questionnaire (WFQ) and who needs to complete one?
The WFQ is a statistical return used to collect data on staff employed in TEOs that receive government funding. It collects data on staff numbers for the full calendar year. All TEOs must complete the WFQ in conjunction with their December SDR.
Where and how do I complete an SDR, IND and Workforce Questionnaire?
Upload and complete your SDR, IND and Workforce Questionnaire data submissions in DXP Ngā Kete.
Step-by-step instructions are available in DXP Ngā Kete user guides.
How do I access DXP Ngā Kete?
To login to DXP Ngā Kete you will need an Education Sector Logon (ESL) account. For information on how to get an account, please contact the MoE Education Service Desk on 0800 422 599 or email service.desk@education.govt.nz.
How to get an Education Sector Logon – Ministry of Education