New Zealand Apprenticeships
Ngā Piatanga Aotearoa
Tertiary education providers are responsible for arranging training programmes for through New Zealand Apprenticeships.
Tertiary education providers are responsible for arranging training programmes for through New Zealand Apprenticeships.
New Zealand Apprenticeships (NZAs) provide a premier vocational pathway and quality support for all apprentices.
Criteria for NZAs:
- An apprentice must be employed in the occupation for which they are training.
- The apprenticeship must meet any regulatory requirements for entry into the occupation.
- Throughout their apprenticeship, an apprentice must be supported by a training plan agreed by them, their employer, and the tertiary education provider through a tripartite agreement.
- The apprenticeship must include a strong theoretical component and result in either:
- a Level 4 New Zealand qualification, comprising a minimum of 120 credits, or
- two or more qualifications totalling at least 120 credits, provided this includes only Level 3 and 4 qualifications and at least 60 out of the total credits are at Level 4.
If less than half the programme’s credits are at Level 4, we need more information from the tertiary education provider to confirm that the programme focuses on Level 4 outcomes.
It's expected that on completing an NZA, an apprentice will be "work competent" for the occupation they've been training in. Their industry determines the standard of competency to be met.
Update on provider-based apprenticeship programmes
Work-based learning (including apprenticeships) is currently being reviewed as part of the wider vocational education and training reforms.
We will not be approving new provider-based apprenticeship programmes (previously Managed Apprenticeships) until the new work-based learning structure has been decided. However, TEOs can continue to enrol learners in currently approved provider-based apprenticeship programmes.
Any provider-based apprenticeships, previously known as Managed Apprenticeships, are considered New Zealand Apprenticeships in terms of funding conditions and requirements.
Code of Good Practice for New Zealand Apprenticeships
The Code of Good Practice for New Zealand Apprenticeships was developed in conjunction with apprentices, employers and tertiary education organisations. It sets out the responsibilities and expectations of all parties: the apprentice, employer and tertiary education provider.
In 2023, the Code was revised to reflect changes arising from the Reform of Vocational Education. These changes are minimal and technical in nature.
The new Code came into force on 30 June 2023.
Read the Code of Good Practice for New Zealand Apprenticeships
Download the Code of Good Practice for New Zealand Apprenticeships (PDF 1.3 MB)
How to apply for approval of New Zealand Apprenticeship programmes
Tertiary education providers must have an NZQA-approved programme for each apprenticeship before we fund any enrolments.
Please use the New Zealand Apprenticeship application form to apply for Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) approval of New Zealand Apprenticeship programmes. You must be approved to deliver work-based learning before you apply for New Zealand Apprenticeship programme approval.
Guidelines on the criteria, the approval process and how to complete the form are all covered within the form itself.
New Zealand Apprenticeship TEC Approval Application Form (DOCX 223 KB)
Information for apprentices
TEC approves all New Zealand Apprenticeships and maintain a register. To find out what apprenticeships are available, and which education providers to contact, see the .
Accessing your apprenticeship completion record
If you completed your apprenticeship after 1993, your completion record is likely to be held by the relevant transitional industry training organisation provider and/or receiving education provider. You should contact them directly for a copy.
If you completed your apprenticeship before 1993, TEC might be able to provide your record of completion from the Register of Apprentices.
To request your completion record, fill in the Request for Apprenticeship Record form (PDF 169 KB)
Email it, with a photo or scan of your identification, to or send it to:
Tertiary Education Commission
PO Box 27-048
Wellington 6141
Logo and certificates for New Zealand Apprenticeships
We have created guidelines for using the New Zealand Apprenticeships logo. The logo must only be used for New Zealand Apprenticeships that are funded through the .
Please see our guidelines for how and when to use the logos correctly:
New Zealand Apprenticeships logo use and certificate creation (DOC 56 KB)
New Zealand Apprenticeships logo guidelines (PDF 1.3 MB)
The logo files are zipped into folders below. Each logo type is available in a range of file formats (eps, pdf, jpg, tif, ai) and sizes (small, medium, large) to make them compatible for printing or online use.
Note: Don't use the reference images. Please only use the images in the zipped files.