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Consultation for the refreshed Response Framework for Educational Delivery and Performance has closed

Consultation for the refreshed Response Framework for Educational Delivery and Performance has closed

Last updated 26 November 2024
Last updated 26 November 2024

The Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) invited feedback on the refreshed Response Framework for Educational Delivery and Performance (formerly the Performance Consequences Framework). Consultation closed on 15 November 2024.

We appreciate the feedback we have received and will publish a final Response Framework for Educational Delivery and Performance so our approaches are transparent.

We have refreshed and renamed the Performance Consequences Framework to reflect current context and policies. The Response Framework contains no new information; it describes our existing approaches for managing educational delivery and performance where they need to improve. We set out expectations of delivery and performance in a range of documents including Plan Guidance, funding conditions and technical information. 

We work closely with funded providers to understand the drivers for performance, and support and guide them to improve outcomes. Our first response is engagement; we only use other responses if necessary. Most providers will not need responses beyond BAU engagement because they already have good outcomes.

The Response Framework describes our options for managing educational performance and delivery, in three parts:

  • a set of principles that underpin all our decisions about responses, to help make it clear why we make these decisions
  • a range of responses we can take in relation to performance that needs to improve
  • sets of indicators, mitigations and contextual factors we consider when making decisions about responses. 

Response Framework for Educational Delivery and Performance (PDF 191 KB)

We asked for feedback on components of the framework

To support our shared understanding between tertiary providers and TEC, we asked for your feedback on three questions:

1. Are the components of the framework clear (and how could we make them clearer)? That is, do you understand:

a. what could indicate that delivery or performance needs to improve
b. what mitigations and contextual factors can be considered in making a response decision
c. the range of responses available
d. the principles underpinning TEC’s decision-making about consequences
e. when the framework applies and how it is used in conjunction with other frameworks (ie, which framework covers what types of decisions)?

2. Is anything missing from the framework (eg, other potential mitigations)?

3. Are the actions the TEC will take in responding clear? If not, how can we make this clearer?