Fund finder is where you can search all of our funds including the conditions for each fund. Reduce the number of funds displayed by applying the filters on the left hand side of the screen. Enter keywords to search the fund pages. The search will take into account any filters you have applied.
Fund finder is where you can search all of our funds including the conditions for each fund. Reduce the number of funds displayed by applying the filters on the left hand side of the screen. Enter keywords to search the fund pages. The search will take into account any filters you have applied.
The Accelerating Learner Success Fund (Tūwhitia) supports initiatives focused on accelerating learner success in tertiary education and training. It a...
Adult and Community Education (ACE) Aotearoa Incorporated (ACE Aotearoa) is the lead body for the ACE sector. It is a professional development body of...
The purpose of the Adult and Community Education (ACE) Fund is to provide community-based education, foundation skills, and pathways into other learni...
Adult and Community Education (ACE) Professional Development builds sector capability by supporting ACE providers to gain additional teaching ski...
Apprenticeship Boost provides support for employers to keep and take on new apprentices. It aims to help apprentices to earn and learn while training,...
The three CAPEs are university-led centres of excellence for languages, culture, politics and economics of the Asia-Pacific regions – North Asia, Sout...
The Centres of Research Excellence (CoREs) Fund was established in 2001 to encourage the development of excellent tertiary education-based research th...
The Delivery at Levels 1 and 2 on the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework (DQ1-2) Fund contributes towards the cost of teaching and l...
This fund is the Government’s contribution towards the cost of education and training services for learners enrolled at a tertiary education organisat...
This fund is the Government’s contribution towards the cost of teaching and learning services for learners enrolled at a tertiary education organisati...
The Emergency Management Fund supports volunteers in civil defence emergency management to get the training and accreditation they need to perform em...
Employer-led Workplace Literacy and Numeracy (EWLN) Fund funding supports the delivery of literacy and numeracy programmes for employees to increase t...
The English Language Teaching – Intensive Literacy and Numeracy Fund (ELT) (formerly Specialised English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)) supp...
Entrepreneurial Universities was a competitive fund aimed at attracting world-leading entrepreneurial researchers to build stronger and more relevant ...
This page contains information for tertiary education organisations (TEOs) about using Equity funding. Equity funding is available for Māori, Pacific,...
The Government has introduced the final-year Fees Free policy starting from 1 January 2025. The policy aims to motivate learners to complete their stu...
The Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) administers the first-year Fees Free Tertiary Education and Training (Fees Free) policy.
Gateway funding enables secondary State, State-integrated and charter schools to give senior learners opportunities to access quality, structured work...
Level 4 training resources for providers of home-based early childhood education (ECE) are now available in languages other than English and te reo Mā...
Immigration Levy funding provides for one-to-one English language tuition, social English classes, English for migrants’ programmes and English Langua...
The purpose of the Intensive Literacy and Numeracy (ILN) Fund is to fund TEOs for the intensive provision of high-quality literacy and numeracy learni...
Medical Trainee Intern Grants are paid to the University of Otago and the University of Auckland to provide a stipend for domestic medical students wo...
Māori and Pasifika Trades Training (MPTT) funding provides fees-free pre-trades training for Māori and Pasifika learners aged 16 to 40 years of age to...
The National Centre for Tertiary Teaching Excellence (the Centre) works with tertiary education organisations (TEOs) to enhance the effectiveness of t...
The purpose of the Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF) is to increase the quality of research by ensuring that excellent research in...