Improving cyber security in the tertiary sector

Cyber security attacks are on the rise. They’re a major concern for all organisations and individuals. Our Cyber Security for the Tertiary Sector project aims to raise the level of cyber security awareness and maturity throughout the sector.

Cyber security in the tertiary sector
Cyber security breaches can cause major upheavals and the consequences are serious.
Cyber security webinars
Over the last year, the Cyber Security for the Tertiary Sector initiative facilitated online webinars to help organisations in the New Zealand tertiary edu…
Phriendly Phishing
This page has everything you need to know about the rollout of Phriendly Phishing across the tertiary sector.
Cyber security controls guide
This guide to cyber security aims to provide clear guidance and simple actions that result in a big increase in security.
Phishing response guidance
This guidance is to help your organisation respond to a phishing email to reduce its impact on your business as much as possible.
SOC SIEM: enhanced security monitoring and response
As criminals get smarter and more aggressive with their attacks, it’s becoming harder for organisations to stay safe.