Industry focus
Arotahi ahumahi
New Zealand is facing skills shortages in a number of sectors, including construction, food and fibre, health, and Secondary Initial Teacher Education.
New Zealand is facing skills shortages in a number of sectors, including construction, food and fibre, health, and Secondary Initial Teacher Education.
One of TEC’s core priorities is to help address these labour and skills shortages. Our work will link communities, industries, and education providers to education and employment pathways that are easy to navigate. Every New Zealander should have the skills, knowledge and confidence to create a fulfilling life.
To achieve this, we are:
- building strategic partnerships and investing in provision that can deliver long-term post-study outcomes for learners
- providing better quality learner information through our career services, including industry-specific attraction initiatives and dedicated career hub pages
- encouraging the development of quality and innovative learning packages and accessible pathways through funding training schemes and micro-credentials
- leading the work on the Reform of Vocational Education (RoVE). This includes developing a new Unified Funding System and facilitating the development of Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs), Workforce Development Councils (WDCs) and working with MBIE as they facilitate the development of Regional Skills Leadership Groups (RSLGs).