Key Information for Students – information for TEOs

Ngā pārongo matua mā ngā kura mātauranga matua

Last updated 10 January 2020
Last updated 10 January 2020

Learners tell us making decisions about studying can be difficult because consistent information on qualifications and tertiary providers is hard to find and not easily comparable. 

We worked with learners and their advisors to develop a consistent, structured and accessible way to view key information about qualifications; called the Key Information for Students (KIS).

What is the Key Information for Students (KIS)?

Figure 1. A Full KIS example


The KIS is a specific set of information about a qualification provided by a . The KIS will be published on each associated qualification page on the TEO's website in either a full table or as a button graphic. Both options will link to the full table on the central KIS website, hosted by Careers New Zealand.

Why are we doing this?

We are focused on improving outcomes for learners. Learners need information to be able to identify and assess the value of tertiary education and how it will contribute to achieving their desired outcomes.

Government and education providers have a shared responsibility to challenge learners to look at how they make decisions and the choices likely to result in achieving the best outcomes.

The KIS is a result of research, consultation and sector engagement to ensure that we help make it easier for learners to make good tertiary enrolment decisions.

The Key Information for Students (KIS) will:

  • enable learners to make real comparisons between qualifications and across providers when deciding on what and where to study
  • facilitate informed enrolment choices that align with learners’ desired tertiary education outcomes.

What does it mean for TEOs?

We’ll be working with TEOs to publish the KIS or KIS button on the qualification pages of their websites. This has been communicated in our Plan Guidance for 2017 and 2018 (page 15 of the Plan Guidance).

Who is required to publish the Key Information for Students (KIS)?

  • Funded TEOs (this excludes ).
  • TEOs delivering SAC-funded qualifications at level 5 and above.

How are we doing this?

We are implementing a phased approach and will notify you about which group you are in, ensuring you have plenty of time to plan, resource and implement the KIS.

The key activities you’ll need to undertake to ensure that you are ready to start are:

  • Initiation: select which KIS option you will progress with, engage with your team and check your qualification data.
  • Design: the KIS or apply the KIS button for qualification pages level 5 and above. Send your design to us via email to begin the design review process. 
  • Implementation: once your design is approved, connect to the KIS data service (if implementing the full KIS) and or embed the link in your website, test and publish your KIS to your website.

Guides and more information

For more information on the publishing options and process refer to the KIS initiation page.

To view all guides, refer to the KIS guides and FAQs page.

Contact us

To find out more, or if you have a question:
