Data specifications for Work-based – Data System Refresh Programme
Ngā whakatakotoranga raraunga – hōtaka Tāmata Pūnaha Raraunga
This page provides information about the data required for reporting Work-based delivery (Actuals) on DXP Ngā Kete.
This page provides information about the data required for reporting Work-based delivery (Actuals) on DXP Ngā Kete.
The documents below include the latest version of the Work-based Data specification, including final-year Fees Free data requirements, and reference data with values for specific fields referred to in the Data Specifications.
The work-based data specification
DSR Work-based Data Specification v0.5 (DOCX 1.2 MB)
Final year Fees Free data requirements are incorporated into this version of the data specification (v0.5). A full change log is provided in Appendix B of each version of the DSR Work-based Data Specification.
Reference data for Work-based
The reference data lists values for specific fields referred to in the Data Specifications. Reference data will be aligned to the Stats NZ definitions (where possible).