TEO-led Workplace Literacy and Numeracy Fund

TEO-led Workplace Literacy and Numeracy Fund

Last updated 30 May 2024
Last updated 30 May 2024

TEO-led Workplace Literacy and Numeracy (TEO-led WLN) Fund funding supports the delivery of literacy and numeracy programmes for employees to increase their literacy and numeracy skills, and to contribute to workplace productivity. 

We fund TEO-led Workplace Literacy and Numeracy (TEO-led WLN) provision to:

  • raise adults’ literacy and numeracy skills, and
  • contribute to workplace productivity by providing and evaluating literacy and numeracy learning in the workplace.

This is achieved by:

  • providing literacy and numeracy programmes of study or training to employees, and
  • supporting workplaces to establish sustainable workplace literacy and numeracy provision.

Initiatives funded through TEO-led WLN should support high-quality learning that is tailored to the needs of the workplace.

This information relates to the Tertiary Education Organisation-led Workplace Literacy and Numeracy (TEO-led WLN) Fund funding. For information about Employer-led Workplace Literacy and Numeracy (EWLN) funding, see the Employer-led Workplace Literacy and Numeracy Fund Finder.

Employer-led Workplace Literacy and Numeracy Fund


Key resources for TEO-led WLN-funded programmes include: