

All terms Māori terms only


    A nationally registered, coherent set of learning outcomes and associated assessment criteria. Achievement standards are derived from the New Zealand Curriculum. 

    Direct Funding Scheme

    Allows employers to access the Industry Training Fund directly (not via an ITO). These employers have significant numbers of industry trainees, groups of employers, Group Training Schemes and current Modern Apprenticeship Coordinators.

    Directly-funded organisation

    Organisations that access the Industry Training Fund directly (not via an industry training organisation). These can be employers with significant numbers of industry trainees, groups of employers, Group Training Schemes and current Modern Apprenticeship Coordinators selected by the TEC.


    The process by which a qualification and its EFTS value is split into courses and their course EFTS factors, which are then allocated course classifications and funding categories to determine funding.

    Dual Pathways Pilot

    Allocates a portion of Youth Guarantee funding to successfully prepare and transition students from the world of education into the world of work. Tertiary education providers and secondary schools will work in collaboration and partnership with employers/industries.

    Education Act 1989

    The Act and its subsequent amendments that reformed the administration of education in New Zealand. This has been replaced by the Education and Training Act 2020.

    Education and Training Act 2020

    The Education and Training Act 2020 came into effect on 1 August 2020. It incorporated and replaced the Education Acts 1964 and 1989 and implemented changes from the Education Work Programme. The Act repealed and replaced all major existing education and training legislation. It is intended to be simpler, more user-friendly and less prescriptive than the previous legislative framework.

    Education Sector Logon (ESL)

    An identity management, authentication, authorisation and single sign-on service for the education sector. Allows you to access our systems: Workspace 2, Ngā Kete, Qlik, ITR and the Assessment Tool. Previously known as "Education Sector Authentication and Authorisation" or “ESAA”.

    Educational performance indicator (EPI)

    A group of performance indicators that give a view of how well tertiary providers are helping their students to achieve.   They show how many students progress and stay in study, and how many courses and qualifications are completed.

    Educational Performance Indicator Commitments (EPICs)

    A group of performance indicators that give a view of how well tertiary providers are helping their students to achieve.   They show how many students progress and stay in study, and how many courses and qualifications are completed.