

All terms Māori terms only

    Credit completion

    Represents the credits achieved by trainees at an industry training organisation (ITO), as a proportion of the total number of credits trainees are expected to complete in a given period at each ITO.


    One credit represents a notional 10 hours of learning, practice and assessment time with respect to the outcomes and contexts of a standard.  One full-time year of study equates to 120 credits or 1 EFTS.


    Compulsory student service fee is a fee that tertiary education organisations can charge domestic students to help fund the costs of delivering student services such as health care and recreational activities.


    Comma-separated values

    Data accuracy

    One of the components of data quality. It refers to whether the data values stored for an object are the correct values.  A correct data value must be the right value and must be represented in a consistent and unambiguous form.


    The provision of education by a TEO.

    Delivery site

    TEC-approved delivery site for a TEO's delivery.

    Develop an Investment Approach



    Directly funded organisations that access the Industry Training Fund directly (not via a TEO).


    Direct Funding Scheme.  The Industry Training Fund (ITF) allows employers with significant numbers of industry trainees, groups of employers, Group Training Schemes and current Modern Apprenticeship Co-ordinators selected by the TEC, to access the Industry Training Fund directly (not via an ITO).