

All terms Māori terms only


    A unique identifier assigned to each educational body (including TEOs, schools, early childhood centres, etc).  


    Engineering Education to Employment programme was set up in June 2014 to help facilitate the goal of increasing engineering graduates by 500+ per annum by 2017.


    English for Migrants.  This programme enables migrants to participate in English Language courses, helping them settle into communities and work.


    Equivalent full-time student (EFTS) is a measure of consumption of education (or the size of a qualification in relation to workload).

    One EFTS unit is defined as the learner workload that would normally be carried out in a single academic year (12-month period) by a learner enrolled full-time, and generally equates to 120 credits on the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework (NZQCF).


    The Executive Leadership Team is the Senior Management Team which includes the Chief Executive, the Deputy Chief Executives and the Chief Advisor Māori (first and second tier managers).

    Emergency Management (ACE)

    Supports civil defence, emergency management and fire fighting volunteers to acquire the skills and accreditation they need.

    Engineering e2e

    Programme to increase engineering graduates by 500 per annum by 2017.  This partnership includes the TEC, institutes of technology and polytechnics, Business NZ, the Institution of Professional Engineers (IPENZ) and a number of other organisations.

    Engineering Education to Employment (e2e)

    Programme to increase engineering graduates by 500 per annum by 2017.  This partnership includes the TEC, institutes of technology and polytechnics, Business NZ, the Institution of Professional Engineers (IPENZ) and a number of other organisations.

    Entrepreneurial Universities

    The initiative establishes a competitive fund for co-investment with universities to attract world-leading entrepreneurial academics to New Zealand.  Their skills and experience foster stronger connections with overseas universities, research institutes and businesses.


    Education performance indicator - a group of performance indicators that give a view of how well tertiary providers are helping their students to achieve.