Quality Evaluation 2026 – PBRF

Quality Evaluation 2026 – PBRF

Last updated 2 July 2024
Last updated 2 July 2024

This page is about the Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF) Quality Evaluation 2026. 

Quality Evaluation 2026 cancelled

The Government has established a University Advisory Group (UAG) to explore challenges and opportunities in the university system. The UAG’s Terms of Reference include a specific focus on the PBRF. As a result, the Minister for Tertiary Education and Skills has decided that Quality Evaluation 2026 will not go ahead.

For more information, see University Advisory Group established and PBRF Quality Evaluation 2026 cancelled.

Background on Quality Evaluation 2026

In July 2021, the Government announced changes to the PBRF, based on the independent review conducted in 2019 to 2020 along with further targeted consultation. These included changes to the Quality Evaluation. See Performance-Based Research Fund – Ministry of Education.

The Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) then established a Sector Reference Group (SRG) to provide advice and recommendations on operational design changes to the design of Quality Evaluation 2026. The SRG ran a consultation process from September 2021 to October 2023.

The following documents and pages provide further information on Quality Evaluation 2026:

Guidelines for Quality Evaluation 2026

What is the Quality Evaluation?

The Quality Evaluation is an assessment of the research performance of staff at participating tertiary education organisations (TEOs) by expert peer review panels. It is held periodically and is the largest component of the Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF).

The Quality Evaluation process is based on the submission and assessment of Evidence Portfolios. Peer-review panels assess Evidence Portfolios against agreed standards and this process is moderated by the Moderation team.

TEOs also review their staff against the eligibility criteria and participate in our audit processes.

Once peer review panel decisions have been made and approved, the results are given to each participating TEO and a report on the Quality Evaluation results is published.

For more information on participating TEOs (over all four rounds – 2003, 2006, 2012 and 2018), see TEO participation in PBRF Quality Evaluations (PDF 369 KB).