

All terms Māori terms only

    Medical Trainee Intern Grant

    Medical Trainee Intern Grants are paid to the University of Auckland and the University of Otago as a stipend for domestic sixth year medical trainee interns.


    Micro-credentials are stand-alone education products intended to enable learners to access specific knowledge and skills in a cost-effective and time-efficient way. They are smaller than qualifications, with a tight focus on developing skills to meet the immediate needs of industry, employers, iwi and/or community.

    Ministry of Education (MoE)

    The Government’s lead advisor on the New Zealand education system

    Mix of provision

    The provisions in a Plan that set out the activities the TEO intends to provide.


    Ministry of Education


    Mix of Provision.  The provisions in a plan that set out the activities the TEO intends to provide.


    MPTT provides fees-free tertiary places for Māori and Pasifika learners to enable them to acquire the skills and attributes to take up a New Zealand Apprenticeship at Level 4 or higher on the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework (NZQCF).

    National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA)

    The National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) is New Zealand's main national qualification for senior secondary school and is available in three levels.

    National Student Index

    The National Student Index (NSI) is a database maintained by the Ministry of Education. 

    National Student Number

    The national student number (NSN) is a unique identifier, which will be a lifetime identification number that learners keep even if they study at more than one TEO.