

All terms Māori terms only


    Modern Apprenticeship Co-ordinators provide support and mentoring to Modern Apprentices and their employers throughout a Modern Apprenticeship programme.

    Mahi Ngātahi

    Build effective partnerships

    Mahi Tahi

    Work together.


    Dignity, prestige, honour.

    Mana whenua

    Self identity and a sense of belonging to a particular place and time. Mana whenua is based on the principle of ahikaa (occupation over designated territory) and refers to the customary authority exercised by the tangata whenua in an identified area.

    Māori and Pasifika Trades Training (MPTT)

    MPTT provides fees-free tertiary places for Māori and Pasifika learners to enable them to acquire the skills and attributes to take up a New Zealand Apprenticeship at Level 4 or higher on the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework (NZQCF).

    Māori language education

    All education that teaches Māori language skills and delivers education through te reo Māori.



    Mātauranga Māori

    Māori knowledge in its widest and broadest terms and includes all aspects of Māori culture.


    Monitoring and Crown Ownership