Modified 13 October 2022
As part of our commitment to delivering effective and efficient service and support to TEOs, we've made some changes to provide more consistency and accountability to the way we work.
Modified 18 August 2020
Education Minister Chris Hipkins has appointed two new commissioners to the TEC Board, both for three-year terms.
Modified 18 August 2020
Modified 18 August 2020
Chief Executive Tim Fowler has written to all Industry Training Organisations (ITO) to confirm current or new training agreements will be honoured for the duration of the training period, subject to the training agreement meeting the existing TEC funding criteria.
Modified 18 August 2020
Education Minister Chris Hipkins has announced the results from the first year of the Fees Free policy.
Modified 18 August 2020
The Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) has launched a construction hub on its popular website to attract more people to the growing sector.
Modified 16 March 2022
Indicative Allocation Letters have been provisioned to tertiary education organisations (TEO) Workspaces today.
Modified 8 July 2020
Budget 2019 has been announced and holds positive news for tertiary education.
Modified 8 July 2020
Budget 2019 has been announced and holds positive news for tertiary education.
Modified 8 July 2020
The official consultation period for the Reform of Vocational Education has now closed.