Fees Free

Fees Free

Last updated 29 July 2024
Last updated 29 July 2024

The Fees Free marketing campaign was launched in 2018 and concluded in March 2024. The information below relates to the policy and corresponding campaign from July 2023 to March 2024 only.

Fees Free is a fund for first-time learners, covering fees for one year's study or two years' work-based learning.

Fees Free Tertiary Education and Training was introduced on 1 January 2018 to help:

  • improve affordability and reduce debt
  • expand access and participation, especially for those who have not previously studied or for whom finance has been a barrier
  • support lifelong learning
  • ensure the benefits of tertiary education for New Zealanders, including residents with an ongoing commitment to New Zealand, are shared through a highly skilled population contributing to a strong society and thriving economy.

Target audience

To get Fees Free, you must meet certain eligibility criteria, and your course or programme must also be eligible.

Our campaign focuses on all New Zealanders aged 18–55 with a qualification below Level 3. The key audiences are:

School leavers and their influencers

Fees Free can help reduce cost as a barrier to studying, training and future career goals. The Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) conducted research that found 48% of school leavers said cost (of living and/or tertiary study) made it harder for them to do what they wanted when they left school.

The research also showed that school leavers’ decisions are typically influenced by parents, other whānau members, friends, teachers, career advisors and community members.

Those wanting to upskill or change careers, and stay-at-home parents

The campaign also focuses on those with a qualification below Level 3 who are currently in the workforce and could benefit from upskilling or changing careers, or who are stay-at-home parents.

Māori, Pacific, disabled people and women are a priority across all audiences.

Campaign approach

The campaign encourages potential tertiary learners to check their Fees Free eligibility and learn more at www.FeesFree.govt.nz.  

The campaign’s tagline, “Set yourself fees-free”, is underpinned by authentic and informative content. It showcases real-life stories of how Fees Free can reduce barriers of cost and confidence. Fees Free allows learners to set aside constraints and “set themselves free”.


Transitions from Secondary School research


Set yourself fees-free – Ula

Set yourself fees-free – Elijah

Social media and online ads