Learner Success Framework diagram text

Learner Success Framework diagram text

Last updated 5 October 2022
Last updated 5 October 2022

The Framework is a blueprint for change with the learner at the centre.

Guiding principles of the framework

Te Tiriti o Waitangi





Areas of continuous improvement focus

Preparing for success

Gain understanding of the journey ahead and build commitment to change

Outputs: horizon scan and project initiation

Learner Success Diagnostic

TEO-wide analysis to identify current capability and gaps across the essential learner success elements

Output: Learner Success Diagnostic

Problem definition

Using the learner success diagnostic report to identify connections to organisational strategy and priorities and areas for deeper assessment

Output: high-level scoping workshop

Analysis and planning

Undertaking detailed data analysis to understand learner journeys, transition and risk points to identify necessary intervention strategies

Output: Student journey mapping

Strategy and design

Defining what success looks like and developing a learner success strategy, including a KPI framework and organisational communications approach

Outputs: Learner Success Strategy and KPI framework


Implement high-level strategy and change plan, including service delivery model, structures, functions etc

Output: change plan for intentional redesign