National Careers System Strategy – September 2022 Update

National Careers System Strategy – September 2022 Update

Last updated 13 September 2022
Last updated 13 September 2022

Online stakeholder hui

As part of our continuing engagement process, in August the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) invited stakeholders and community representatives to attend one of seven online hui at which we outlined the Strategy refresh work that has taken place in 2022, and sought input to assist with the development of the new Careers System Strategy.

The seven hui included three general sessions, and two each specifically designed to gain Māori and Pacific People’s perspectives respectively.

Altogether close to 500 people took part to offer their experience, expertise, viewpoints and insights. They represented some 300 organisations across schools, iwi, careers services, government, industry, RSLGs, WDCs, community groups and others.

Because this Strategy will likely be delivered across various government agencies and the sector it is important that all of those representatives are part of its development and contribute to its future success.

The TEC Strategy development team is grateful for the generous, open and genuine approach all participants brought to these hui. We gathered an enormous amount of information, background and insight, and some clear themes emerged.  Those themes will become more apparent as the collated and analysed feedback informs the future actions that will be delivered from the Strategy.

TEC’s plan is to deliver a draft Strategy to the Education, Employment and Training Ministers in October, and then share that across the sector so the conversation can continue.

Next steps

Following further discussion and advice from Ministers, TEC will shift into a planning phase for the implementation of the refreshed Strategy. This process will involve working with stakeholders to develop an engagement approach for moving forward which will include forming connections across the system and beginning a coordinated approach for the work to come.

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