2024 Funding Conditions Changes
2024 Funding Conditions Changes
Changes to the 2024 Funding Conditions Catalogue are grouped into sections in the table below.
Changes to the 2024 Funding Conditions Catalogue are grouped into sections in the table below.
Changes which cover most, or all, of the funds are summarised under the heading “Multiple Funds”. Other changes are grouped into sections that align with the structure of the Funding Conditions Catalogue, and include “Foundation and Youth Transition Funds”, “Vocational and Non-degree Funds,” and “Degree and Research Funds”.
- Multiple Funds
- Foundation and Youth Transition Funds
- Vocational and Non-degree Funds
- Degree and Research Funds
Multiple Funds
Base funding conditions
Change subject |
Notes |
Reason |
Suspension, revocation, and withdrawal |
Shifted the suspension, revocation, or withdrawal of funding conditions from each fund to the base funding conditions. |
Updated to standardise and streamline conditions across funds. |
Definitions & Interpretations
Change subject |
Notes |
Reason |
Committee on University Academic Programmes (CUAP) |
Removed CUAP as a defined term and all references throughout the Funding Conditions Catalogue. |
Replaced with the New Zealand Vice Chancellor’s Committee (Universities NZ) for simplicity. CUAP is a sub-committee of Universities NZ. |
Credential |
Removed ‘credential’ as part of the definition of ‘credential or micro-credential’. The terms have been updated for consistency to ‘micro-credential’. |
Updated for consistency and clarity to align with terminology changes to the funding mechanisms and what is used in the Act. |
Domestic student |
Added additional details to the definition of a ‘domestic student’ and shifted details from each fund to the ‘Definitions & Interpretations’ section. |
Updated based on policy change from the Education and Training Amendment Act 2023, and to shift all relevant definitional information to one location. |
ESOL and ELT |
Replaced definition of English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) with English Language Teaching (ELT). |
Updated to reflect the fund name change for ESOL to ELT. |
Registered PTE |
Added clarification to definition Private Training Establishment (PTE) definition about the meaning ‘registered PTE’. |
Added for clarity. |
Qualification |
Addition of ‘qualification’ as a defined term. |
Added for clarity based on definition in the Education and Training Act 2020. |
NZVCC and Universities NZ |
Updated acronym for the New Zealand Vice-Chancellor’s Committee from NZVCC to Universities NZ. |
Updated for accuracy. |
Most funds
The following changes apply to almost all funds with some minor exceptions. Please check the full fund conditions as relevant for your funding.
Change subject |
Notes |
Reason |
Fund groupings |
Changed groupings of ‘vocational funds’ to ‘vocational and non-degree funds.’ |
Updated to reflect the actual delivery of programmes of the funds within this group. |
Registered Private Training Establishments (PTEs) |
Updated references from ‘PTE’ to specify ‘registered PTE’ where appropriate. |
Updated to reflect changes in the funding mechanisms, clarifying when PTEs are to be registered with NZQA. |
Subcontracting |
Standardised language for subcontracting sections. |
Updated for consistency across all funds. |
Te Pūkenga subsidiaries |
Removed references to subsidiaries of Te Pūkenga. |
Updated to reflect changes in the funding mechanisms as all subsidiaries have now been absorbed into Te Pūkenga. |
Organisation eligibility |
Updated language to clarify and list eligible TEIs, where appropriate, and to specify that all TEOs must continue to be an eligible organisation for the length of the funding period. |
Updated for consistency and clarity across all funds. |
Domestic student definition |
Shifted additional information about the domestic student definition from each fund to ‘Definitions & Interpretations’ section. |
Updated for consistency and clarity across all funds. |
New Zealand resident eligibility |
Updated ‘returning residency class visa’ to ‘resident class visa’. |
Updated to align with terminology in the Education and Training Act 2020 and current immigration policy. |
Australians residing in New Zealand |
Added footnote to explain the meaning of ‘residing in New Zealand’ for Australian citizens or permanent residents. Replaced ‘resident return visa’ with ‘Resident Return Visa issued by the Australian government’. |
Explanatory notes added for clarity. |
Alternative eligibility and identity verification methods |
Added clause to refer to TEC website for approved alternative eligibility verification processes. |
Updated for operational ease should alternative methods be approved mid-year. |
Foundation and Youth Transition Funds
ACE (Communities and Schools) funds
Change subject |
Notes |
Reason |
Funding recovery methodology |
Clarified language for recovery methodology to specify that delivery is measured by expected total learner hours for ACE funding. |
Added for greater clarity and transparency. |
NSN reporting |
Added clause to explain NSN reporting. |
Added to encourage providers to report NSN information when it is available. |
Learner eligibility |
Clarify learner eligibility criteria must be met at the time of enrolment instead of for the duration of the funding period for learners who may turn from age 15 to age 16 during the funding period. |
Updated for improved clarity. |
ACE, DQ1-2, ELT (formerly ESOL) funds
Change subject |
Notes |
Reason |
Fund name change |
Name of ‘Specialised English Speakers of Other Languages’ (ESOL) fund changed to ‘English Language Teaching’ (ELT). |
Updated to align with changes to the funding mechanism as the term ‘ESOL’ was considered out of date. |
DQ1-2 fund
Change subject |
Notes |
Reason |
Fund name change |
Name of DQ1-2 changed from ‘Delivery on the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework at Levels 1 and 2’ to ‘Delivery at Levels 1 and 2 on the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework’. |
Updated to align with changes to the funding mechanism and for consistent naming conventions across the DQ funds. |
Inclusive education |
Updated ‘special education’ to ‘inclusive education’ terminology. |
Updated to align with terminology used by NZQA. NZQA replaced the term ‘special education’ with ‘inclusive education’ after a review of the relevant standards in 2019 to better reflect the language used by the sector. |
Valid domestic enrolment |
Fixed error in paragraph references for eligibility of learners studying outside New Zealand. |
Updated for accuracy. |
EFTS values |
Added footnote clarifying the EFTS value calculation for qualification NZ2853 may use only learning hours. |
Added for clarity and for consistency across all guidance information. |
DQ1-2, YG funds
Change subject |
Notes |
Reason |
Delivery classification |
Added references to the Delivery Classification Guide (DCG) and updated language across funds for consistency. |
Added for clarity and to support TEOs when assigning course codes and classifications. |
ELT (formerly ESOL) fund
Change subject |
Notes |
Reason |
Re-enrolment limits |
Clarified learner re-enrolment limits. |
Updated to align with clarifications to the funding mechanism and to simplify timeframe re-enrolments for learners. |
ELT (formerly ESOL), EWLN, ILN, TEO-led WLN funds
Change subject |
Notes |
Reason |
Educator qualifications |
Simplified qualification requirements for educators. |
Updated to simplify funding conditions and for operational ease, enabling more detailed guidance on the TEC website. |
EWLN fund
Change subject |
Notes |
Reason |
Eligible organisations |
Addition of REAP Aotearoa as an eligible organisation. |
Updated based on changes to the funding mechanism. |
EWLN, TEO-led WLN funds
Change subject |
Notes |
Reason |
Purpose statement |
Removed ‘learning gain’ from the purpose statement. |
Updated to align with wording adjustments to the funding mechanisms, reflecting that the LNAAT is not designed to measure progression. |
EWLN, ILN, TEO-led WLN funds
Change subject |
Notes |
Reason |
Learner eligibility & LNAAT |
Updated learner eligibility criteria related to skill levels and LNAAT assessment Step requirements. |
Requirements to use the LNAAT as an assessment tool changed in 2023. Learner eligibility requirements updated based on clarified language in the funding mechanism. |
ILN fund
Change subject |
Notes |
Reason |
Hours of intensity |
Added ability for TEC to provide written approval for TEOs to deliver below the required hours of intensity. |
Updated to align with changes to the funding mechanism to allow flexibility with providers. |
Refugee English fund
Change subject |
Notes |
Reason |
Learner eligibility |
Updated learner eligibility for those affected by the Christchurch mosques terror attack. |
Updated to align with changes to learner eligibility specified in the funding mechanism and for clarity. |
Re-enrolment limits |
Clarified learner re-enrolment limits. |
Updated to align with clarifications to the funding mechanism and to simplify re-enrolment timeframes for learners. |
Pastoral care services |
Addition of section on provision of pastoral care services. |
Added to give effect to the funding mechanism, which requires that pastoral care services are provided to learners as a condition of funding. |
MSD withdrawals |
Updated MSD withdrawal information to clarify each withdrawal must be reported to MSD. |
Updated to align with clarifications to the funding mechanism and for consistency with other funds. |
YG fund
Change subject |
Notes |
Reason |
Flexible funding eligibility |
Clarified language for TEOs eligible for flexible funding. Removed transitional industry training organisations (TITO) eligibility from DQ3-7. |
Redrafted for clarity, particularly for EER status requirements for some eligible TEOs. TITO is no longer valid (only available for 2023). |
Flexible funding |
Clarified wording to disallow flexible funding for delivery of Level 3 qualifications. |
Updated for clarity and to align with the purpose of the Act. |
EFTS limit |
Fixed drafting mistake for EFTS enrolment limit. |
Updated for accuracy. |
Pathways plan ‘where to from here’ |
Added pathway plan requirements for the Wellbeing and Pathways Support subsidy. |
Updated to reflect policy change from 2023 to create greater support for learners to work towards their end goals, with support from TEOs and whānau. |
Vocational and Non-degree Funds
ALE fund
Change subject |
Notes |
Reason |
Purpose statement |
Removed ‘learning gain’ from the purpose statement. |
Updated to align with wording adjustments to the funding mechanisms, reflecting that the LNAAT is not designed to measure progression. |
Subcontracting |
Remove section 8 ‘Subcontracting’ funding conditions. |
Removed based on limitations on subcontracting permitted in the funding mechanism. |
DQ3-7 fund
Change subject |
Notes |
Reason |
Delivery classification |
Added references to the Delivery Classification Guide (DCG) and updated language across funds for consistency. |
Added for clarity and to support TEOs when assigning course codes and classifications. |
Over delivery |
Added clause ‘whichever is greater’ for the over delivery cap. |
Added for operational clarity. |
Benchmarking |
Updated phrasing in section ‘benchmarking’ to clarify language about vendors contracted for benchmarking purposes. |
Updated for consistency and clarity to align with terminology changes to the funding mechanisms. |
Learner success plans and disability action plans |
Updated learner success plan (LSP) section to include progress against learner success and disability action plans as a factor in future funding decisions. |
Updated to reflect changes to LSP and disability action plan reporting requirements to ensure TEOs are making progress towards these milestones. |
Flexible funding eligibility |
Clarified language for TEOs eligible for flexible funding. Removed transitional industry training organisations (TITO) eligibility from DQ3-7. |
Redrafted for clarity, particularly for EER status requirements for some eligible TEOs. TITO is no longer valid (only available for 2023). |
Code of Good Practice |
Added reference to obligations to meet responsibilities in the Code of Good Practice for New Zealand Apprenticeships. |
Added for clarity. |
Fund name change |
Fund name changed from ‘Non-degree delivery at Levels 3-7 on the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework and all industry training’ to ‘Delivery at Levels 3-7 (non-degree) on the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework and all industry training.’ |
Updated to align with changes to the funding mechanism for consistent naming conventions across the DQ funds. |
Managed apprenticeship reporting |
Updated reporting requirements through the SDR for managed apprenticeships. |
Updated to reflect clarifications changed in the funding mechanism to ensure managed apprenticeships are reported correctly. |
Refunding fees |
Added clarification that fees are to be refunded based on who paid the fees. |
Updated to reflect clarifications added to the funding mechanism. |
Learner component performance expectations |
Added performance expectations for learner component funding. |
Added to reflect policy changes to the performance requirements to receive learner component funding, and to align with changes to the funding mechanism. |
Reverting to EFTS rather than EFTL as the unit of measure of vocational education and training. |
Updated to reflect clarifications added to the funding mechanism and to create consistency across funds and the sector. |
DQ3-7; Strategic Component (Te Pūkenga and Wānanga) funds
Change subject |
Notes |
Reason |
Purpose of the Unified Funding System |
Removed purpose of the Unified Funding System for vocational education and training. |
Removed for simplicity. The purpose of the Unified Funding System is not specific to funding conditions for TEOs. |
MPTT (Brokerage) fund
Change subject |
Notes |
Reason |
Micro-credential credit value |
Changed programme eligibility for micro-credentials to credit value between 20 and 40 credits (previously between 40 and 45). |
Updated based on amendments to the funding mechanism to align with the minimum credit value for DQ1-2 and to reflect that 40 credits is the minimum value for a qualification. |
Training terminology |
Changed references from ‘traineeship’ to ‘work-based training.’ |
Updated based on clarifications to the funding mechanism to align terminology with the DQ3-7 funding mechanism, following implementation of the Unified Funding System. |
MPTT (Consortium) fund
Change subject |
Notes |
Reason |
Lead member responsibilities |
Shifted paragraph detailing responsibilities of the lead member of the consortium from section 3 ‘Membership of consortium’ to section 2 ‘Consortium lead member’s responsibilities’. |
Updated for simplicity and clarity, bringing all lead member responsibilities into one section. |
Employment outcomes |
Updated language for the employment outcomes performance measures to focus on the role of the consortia (instead of the MPTT initiative). |
Edited for clarity and specificity to funding conditions for providers. |
Consortium activities |
Shifted all consortium activities to section 4 ‘Consortium Activities’. |
Updated for simplicity and clarity, bringing all consortium activity information into one section. |
MPTT (Brokerage and Consortium) funds
Change subject |
Notes |
Reason |
Purpose section |
Shortened the purpose of the fund information. |
Shortened for simplicity and clarity, to only include references to the relevant MPTT fund. |
Purpose statement |
Updated language, changing ‘sustainable’ employment to ‘relevant’ employment and adding ‘work-based vocational training.’ |
Updated based on terminology clarified in the funding mechanism. |
Strategic Component (Te Pūkenga and Wānanga) funds
Change subject |
Notes |
Reason |
Recovery of funding |
Updated recovery of funding section to separate out contractual commitments that are specific to this fund. |
Updated based on changes to the funding mechanism and aligning the recovery of funding requirements of all funds. |
Use of funds |
Updated language to the use of funds section, adding ‘Micro-credentials.’ |
Updated to reflect clarifications added to the funding mechanism. |
Reporting |
Added clause to require reporting of any additional information related to the use of funding. |
Added to be more inclusive of reporting requirements that may be set through milestone-based reporting set via Funding Confirmation Letters. |
Degree and Research Funds
DQ7+ fund
Change subject |
Notes |
Reason |
Delivery classification |
Added references to the Delivery Classification Guide (DCG) and updated language across funds for consistency. |
Added for clarity and to support TEOs when assigning course codes and classifications. |
Over delivery |
Added clause ‘whichever is greater’ for the over delivery cap. |
Added for operational clarity. |
Benchmarking |
Updated phrasing in section ‘benchmarking’ to clarify language about vendors contracted for benchmarking purposes. |
Updated for consistency and clarity to align with terminology changes to the funding mechanisms. |
Learner success plans and disability action plans |
Updated learner success plan (LSP) section to include progress against learner success and disability action plans as a factor in future funding decisions. |
Updated to reflect changes to LSP and disability action plan reporting requirements to ensure TEOs are making progress towards these milestones. |
Flexible funding eligibility |
Clarified language for TEOs eligible for flexible funding. Removed transitional industry training organisations (TITO) eligibility from DQ3-7. |
Redrafted for clarity, particularly for EER status requirements for some eligible TEOs. TITO is no longer valid (only available for 2023). |
PBRF fund
Change subject |
Notes |
Reason |
Guiding principles |
Removed PBRF guiding principles from ‘Purpose of Fund’ section. |
Removed for simplicity. The principles apply to the design and processes of the fund and are not specific to conditions for providers. |
Evidence Portfolio |
Updated references to the Evidence Portfolio. |
Updated based on corrections of a drafting error in the funding mechanism. |
RDC abbreviation |
Amended Research Degree Completions component abbreviations from RDCC to RDC. |
Corrected drafting error for accuracy. |
PBRF User Manual |
Added references to the PDRF User Manual for the ‘External Research Income’ section. |
Added for clarification and to support providers. Extensive process and definition information is available. |