Quality Evaluation results by TEO and subject

Quality Evaluation results by TEO and subject

Last updated 22 May 2024
Last updated 22 May 2024

This page provides information on the results of all four previous Quality Evaluation rounds by tertiary education organisation (TEO) and subject area.

This interactive chart shows final results for all four Quality Evaluations (2003, 2006, 2012, and 2018). The results show the numbers of researcher Evidence Portfolios (EPs) awarded funded Quality Categories by TEO and subject area.

To maintain the anonymity of individual staff, no data are reported at the TEO level for subject areas with 7.00 FTEs or less. Instead the relevant data are aggregated under a separate category of “Other”.

Researcher EPs were grouped into one of 43 different subject areas for the 2018 Quality Evaluation.