

All terms Māori terms only

    Careers system strategy

    A national strategy outlining the vision, strategic priorities, and actions that collectively support the strengthening and future-proofing of New Zealand’s careers system. 


    The Community Education fund is for adult and community education and literacy, numeracy and English language provision.

    Centre of Vocational Excellence (CoVE)

    A group from across a sector that works together to grow excellent vocational provision, and share high-quality curriculum and programme design across the vocational education system.

    Centres of Asia-Pacific Excellence (CAPEs)

    A collaboration between tertiary education providers and stakeholders to enhance our partnerships with the Asia-Pacific region. CAPEs are cross-institutional centres of excellence, in the language, culture, politics and economics of countries or groups of countries within the Asia-Pacific region.

    Centres of Research Excellence (CoREs)

    Networks of researchers working together.  Each CoRE is hosted by a university.   Partner organisations include other universities, Crown research institutes and wānanga.

    Champion aspiration


    Code of Good Practice for New Zealand Apprenticeships

    Sets out the responsibilities and expectations of all parties involved in a New Zealand Apprenticeship: the apprentice, the employer and the industry training organisation.                                                                                    


    A group of people who share common characteristics or experiences within a defined timespan. May be characteristic-based (eg, ethnicity, gender); event-based (eg, left school, enrolled in tertiary education); or both (eg, Māori students who left school in 2023).

    Cohort-based qualification completion rate

    The cohort-based qualification completion rate measures how many learners in a starting cohort go on to complete a qualification at the same level after a given amount of time.


    A template used in the Workspace 2 online data platform. It collects a tertiary education organisation's (TEO's) mix of provision (MoP) or Educational Performance Indicator Commitments (EPICs) as part of the Investment Plan process.