

All terms Māori terms only

    Statement of service performance

    Reports that provide primarily non-financial information recording our performance against specified objectives.


    STEM is an acronym referring to the academic disciplines of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.


    A website ( managed by the MoE and TEC for providing varied services to TEOs, including submitting the Single Data Return (SDR), accessing the SDR Manual, and managing courses, qualifications and delivery sites on the Course Register and the Qualifications Register.


    A Standard Training Measure (STM) is defined as the amount of training that is required for a trainee to achieve 120 credits (or its equivalent) in an approved structured training programme.

    Student Achievement Component (SAC)

    The SAC is the government funding contribution or subsidy to the costs of teaching and learning and other costs driven by student numbers. The total amount of SAC funding is calculated by multiplying the funding category rate by the number of domestic equivalent full-time students in an organisation’s Investment Plan. It constitutes nearly 70 percent of total government funding to tertiary education institutions through plans.

    Student progression

    Measured by the completion progression rate. This is a rate of re-enrolment in a higher-level qualification in the following year for students who have completed a qualification.

    Student retention

    Measured by the student completion (or continuation) rate. This is the number of re-enrolments or qualification completions at a TEO each year compared with the number of students present at the TEO in the previous year.


    A division of the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) which administers Student Allowances, Student Loans and Jobseeker Support Student Hardship for people undertaking study.

    Supplementary Credit Programme

    A Supplementary Credit Programme (SCP) is a programme that allows trainees who have already completed a national qualification to undertake additional unit standards to upgrade or widen their existing qualifications without being required to re-sign into a full qualification.


    Technology Access Fund for Learners