

All terms Māori terms only

    Rural education activities programme providers (REAPs)

    A community-based TEO providing a flexible education resource, formal and non-formal education services for defined rural communities within geographical districts.   Excludes urban areas with populations greater than 20,000.


    Student Achievement Component.  The SAC is the government funding contribution or subsidy to the costs of teaching and learners and other costs driven by student numbers.

    Schedule of approved funding

    The appendix in a funding approval letter which specifies the approved funding amounts.

    Science, technology, engineering and mathematics

    STEM is an acronym referring to the academic disciplines of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.


    Supplementary Credit Programme (SCP) is a programme that allows trainees who have already completed a national qualification to undertake additional unit standards to upgrade or widen their existing qualifications without being required to re-sign into a full programme.


    Single Data Return.  An electronic collection of learner enrolment and completion information.

    Search and Rescue (ACE)

    A funding pool within ACE to support volunteers to acquire the skills and accreditation they need to perform search and rescue operations.  Intended for targeted, skills-based short awards (under 40 credits each), including training schemes.

    Single Data Return (SDR)

    An electronic collection of learner enrolment and completion information.  Required by the Ministry of Education and us for funding, monitoring performance, publishing performance information and statistical reporting purposes.

    Skills Highway

    A government initiative we fund.  Established to help employers learn how workplace literacy and numeracy training can help them improve business performance.


    The ITO Strategic Leadership Fund (SLF) is used to fund proposals by industry training organisations for the development of new qualifications that the TEC expects will generate the greatest value in terms of the wider tertiary education system.