Transcript for the Strategic alignment diagram
Transcript for the Strategic alignment diagram
Our Gender and Ethnic Pay Gap Action Plan (GEPGAP) is strategically aligned and embedded with other initiatives to develop TEC’s inclusive, equity-minded and diverse organisational culture. The GEPGAP will benefit from, and contribute to, lifting TEC performance and cultural capability across a range of strategic initiatives.
Our Gender and Ethnic Pay Gap Action Plan (GEPGAP) is strategically aligned and embedded with other initiatives to develop TEC’s inclusive, equity-minded and diverse organisational culture. The GEPGAP will benefit from, and contribute to, lifting TEC performance and cultural capability across a range of strategic initiatives.
Diversity & Inclusion Strategy
We have a Diversity & Inclusion Strategy which is aligned in principle to the Tertiary Education Strategy and to Te Kawa Mataaho (PSC) Diversity & Inclusion Guidelines. It defines how we can drive diversity, equity and inclusion through leadership, recruitment, talent management and internal capability development. A Disability Action Plan is part of this strategy.
Gender and Ethnic Pay Gap Action Plan
We actively try to lower the gender and ethnic pay gap. We have a Gender and Ethnic Pay Gap Action Plan which identifies specific and measurable goals and ways to achieve them.
Employee networks
We actively support and engage in employee networks within TEC (eg, the Rainbow Network) and/or connect with such networks in the wider public sector.
Thriving TEC (He Marae Tangata) and targeted learning
We have defined three core capabilities in our people: “learner-centric, equity-minded and culturally affirming”, and are charting a path towards developing our people in these areas through targeted learning and development – eg, training on being consciously mindful of bias, and the “Beyond Diversity” training, resources and tools.
We are intentional about fostering biculturalism though leadership, understanding Te Tiriti, improving our competence in engaging with Māori stakeholders including through te reo Māori, and underpinning our systems with te ao Māori and mātauranga Māori. We have a Māori Language Plan and are planning actions specific to te reo under it.
Multicultural events
We nurture curiosity in and respect for other cultures by celebrating cultural events (eg, Matariki, Pacific language weeks, Eid, Diwali, etc), and host seminars and informal sessions, eg, “Cultural Coffees”, “Speakers’ Corner”, etc.