Provider-based: extramural mode
Taha kaiwhakarato: aratau ā-waho whareako
The learner is enrolled with the provider. Learning occurs away from a provider site, and not in a workplace. The delivery involves the use of:
- postal services, or
- hard copy workbooks, or
- an online learning platform with or without face-to-face contact (online or in-person) between the provider and learner. Online learning platforms can also involve group lectures, tutorials, etc.
Learning in this mode typically gives learners the flexibility to complete their work in their own time, without impacting the provider’s ability to set timeframes during which learners need to engage with the learning.
The provider is funded to:
- deliver programmes for credentials that meet employer and industry needs as well as regional and national skills priorities
- deliver all education/training and assessment activities* towards an NZQA-approved credential
- provide all learning support and pastoral care in relation to the learner’s needs while studying and in accordance with the Code of Practice for Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners – Ministry of Education.
* Assessment activities include verification and moderation and can include purchasing and using assessment resources from an external source.
More guidance
This mode is not intended to cover any current or future delivery that is being offered online due to COVID-19-related restrictions on campus-based activity.
In situations where a learner studying under the extramural mode would benefit from more face‑to‑face support than extramural study would normally accommodate, additional learner‑centred support using the resources available can be provided. Webchat, emails or video calls in one-to-one or group situations are a normal part of extramural delivery.
Extramural delivery may include (but is not limited to):
- hard-copy course and assessment materials posted to learners
- pre-recorded tutorials and online assessments
- specialist resources loaned to students
- asynchronous learning (where there is no significant interaction between tutor and student, and study materials are pre-recorded and static)
- synchronous learning (where there is tutor–student or peer-to-peer interaction, often involving broadcast lectures, interactive webinars etc., which are live/delivered in real time), typically away from a provider’s site.
This mode can include internships, practicums and temporary work experience, and field and clinical experience undertaken as part of the learning. However, where the course includes learning in the provider setting and workplace, there is no formal employment relationship.
For more information on the legality of internships and employment, see the Employment New Zealand website.
All internships (regardless of the learning setting) will be funded through the relevant provider-based mode.