Improvements to our website

Improvements to our website

Last updated 30 November 2023
Last updated 30 November 2023

We’ve made our website, especially our home page, easier for you to use. Here’s how.

What’s changed?

You can find information you need more quickly:

  • Use the ‘quick links’ at the top of the home page to go straight to our most-viewed pages for that month.
  • A single search bar makes searching the website simpler.
  • The design meets government and international accessibility standards. It’s cleaner and meets standards for colour and contrast.

We’ve updated the Fund Finder and its filters:

  • Labels on the Fund Finder page are clearer and more useable.
  • You can clearly see which Funds are open or closed.
  • The filter terms are now accurate and current.

What’s the same?

We haven’t changed where any pages sit, so your links still work, and you can still find pages where you expect them to be.

Why the new design?

Our regular surveys were indicating that users had some trouble finding information on our website. So we did user-testing to find the pain points and work out how best to fix them.

Future improvements

It doesn’t stop here. We intend to make further changes to the way information is laid out on the TEC website, making what you need even easier to find.