Reporting and monitoring – ACE in Schools

Reporting and monitoring – ACE in Schools

Last updated 15 January 2024
Last updated 15 January 2024

This page covers reporting and monitoring requirements for Adult and Community Education (ACE) in Schools funding.


Schools are required to submit a final report to us for each calendar year (the full year Actuals Report).

You must report on each ACE course in its mix of provision (MoP), including recording demographic data about learners. You must submit the completed full year Actuals Report (using the template provided) by 31 January of the following year through Workspace 2.

In the report we require the following collated data for all courses that were approved for delivery through the Plan approval process (ie, before the delivery took place), and any additional and substitute courses:

  • number of learners and hours of delivery (contracted and delivered),
  • hours of learner attendance,
  • region of delivery,
  • gender of learners,
  • ethnicity of learners,
  • English language status of learners,
  • number of learners with low or no qualifications,
  • number of migrants,
  • number of refugees, and
  • age of learners.

Individual learner data

Schools must collect and retain accurate data on each learner enrolment, including demographic information at the time of enrolment, and up-to-date records of learner attendance. This data is required for audit purposes, but you do not need to submit it to us with the full year Actuals Report unless you are voluntarily reporting National Student Numbers (NSNs).

You should also collect and retain learner outcomes data for each course, including in relation to the intended outcomes, and whether or not you achieved these.

National Student Number (NSN) reporting

From 1 January 2023, education organisations that deliver under the ACE in Communities or ACE in Schools fund can voluntarily report their learners’ NSNs. This is to enable further research into ACE learners and assist in monitoring learner outcomes and pathways.


We monitor school performance to understand school performance in the sector, and to inform our decisions about future funding they may receive.

We monitor schools funded through ACE against the following:

  • commitments:
    • number of learners and hours of delivery (contracted and delivered),
    • hours of learner attendance,
    • delivery sites, and
  • performance indicators:
    • course completion rates – whether learners attend on average at least 80 percent of tuition time across funded courses, and
    • priority learner groups.