/// This method retrieves Key Information for Students data from the KIS Data Service.
/// It uses the Simple.OData.Client library to connect to the service - this
/// library can also support strongly typed connections if desired.
/// A Key Information for Students for the qualification requested
private KeyInformationData GetKeyInformationData()
//Set up the client to connect to the web service url
var client = new ODataClient(" https://info4learners.tec.govt.nz/");
//Pass an OData query to the service and get the result (the library we
//are using requires this to be an asynchronous call)
//This query asks for Key Information for Students where the provider number and
//qualification code match the ones we are using
var oDataResult = Task.Run(async () => await client.FindEntriesAsync($"KeyInformation?$filter=ProviderCode eq '{_edumisNumber}' and QualificationCode eq '{_qualificationCode}'"))
//We know that there should only be one Key Information for Students record for a
//qualification, so any other result means something isn't right
if(oDataResult.Count != 1)
throw new Exception($"OData call for a Key Information for Students for edumis {_edumisNumber} qualification {_qualificationCode} returned {oDataResult.Count} records.");
//Pull the values we are interested in out of the result and put them
//into a model class the view can use
//We can safely use First() because we checked previously there was only
//one record returned
var kis = new KeyInformationData
CourseCompletion =
Duration = oDataResult.First()["Duration"].ToString(),
MinimumEntryRequirements = oDataResult.First()["MinimumEntryRequirements"].ToString(),
GovernmentSubsidy = oDataResult.First()["GovernmentSubsidy"].ToString(),
AnnualStudentFees = oDataResult.First()["AnnualStudentFees"].ToString(),
AnnualGovernmentTuitionSubsidy = oDataResult.First()["AnnualGovernmentTuitionSubsidy"].ToString(),
Total_Annual = oDataResult.First()["Total_Annual"].ToString(),
Total_TotalQualification = oDataResult.First()["Total_TotalQualification"].ToString(),
GraduatesInEmployment = oDataResult.First()["GraduatesInEmployment"].ToString(),
GraduatesInStudy = oDataResult.First()["GraduatesInStudy"].ToString(),
GraduatesOnBenefit = oDataResult.First()["GraduatesOnBenefit"].ToString(),
MedianEarnings = oDataResult.First()["MedianEarnings"].ToString(),
LowerQuartileEarnings= oDataResult.First()["LowerQuartileEarnings"].ToString(),
QualificationCode = oDataResult.First()["QualificationCode"].ToString(),
StudentFees = oDataResult.First()["StudentFees"].ToString(),
return kis;
/// Retrieves the default page for the site.
/// In this case, a simple page showing a Key Information for Students for the
/// qualification specified by the _qualificationCode.
/// The Home/Index view along with its data model
public ActionResult Index()
//Get the appropriate Key Information for Students from the cache
var kis = System.Web.HttpRuntime.Cache[_qualificationCode]
as KeyInformationData;
//If the Key Information for Students was not found in the cache
if (kis == null)
//Get the Key Information for Students from TEC
kis = GetKeyInformationData();
//Save the result into the cache ready for next time
//Set the cached value to expire in 24 hours
System.Web.HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(_qualificationCode, kis,
null, DateTime.Now.AddDays(1),
//Catch any errors arising from calling the web service
//so they don't affect our view
//In a real implementation, we would log the errors here
//Return the view with the Key Information for Students data to display
return View(kis);