We invest in a wide range of tertiary education organisations and work closely with them to ensure that they deliver the best possible outcomes for New Zealanders. As well as providing insight into educational performance, this section includes information and resources for tertiary education organisations, including details about each of our funds.
Tuku ai mātou he pūtea tautoko ki te maha o ngā tūmomo kura mātauranga matua, ā, ka mahitahi me rātou kia tutuki rawa i a rātou ngā huanga pai ka taea mō ngā tāngata o Aotearoa. Hāunga ngā kōrero mō te whakatutukitanga mātauranga kei konei ngā pārongo me ngā rauemi mā ngā kura mātauranga matua, ngā tino kōrero mō ia pūtea tautoko.